Risk Cockpit

Using the Risk Cockpit, Capital Market firms are able to get a real-time view of their enterprise risk profile based on an aggregation of risks from across all risk domains.

Key features

Integrated Risk Framework

Organise and track your enterprise-wide risk management activities using a comprehensive, integrated real-time risk framework; integrating static and transactional data, workflows, notifications and alerts and robust accountabilities model.

Smart Registers

Create a central repository of items within the risk framework; Objectives, Processes, Initiatives, Systems, Information Assets, Venues, Risks, Controls, Events, Metrics & Tasks. Map items to your organisational structure and geographic locations; assign accountabilities using KRM22’s ARIC model and define linkages between items.

Risk and Control Self-Assessment (RCSA) process

Leverage workflow, notifications and alerts to eliminate the burden of ad hoc spreadsheet-based risk registers and associated costly, error-prone manual work to automate risk management processes and activities.

Embedded ARCI Accountabilities

Define your Risk Taxonomy and document how risk cascade within your firm creating the ability to aggregate and roll-up data via multiple hierarchies to meet the needs of different stakeholders.

Risk Analytics

Take the guesswork out of risk management by bringing together qualitative and quantitative data to generate the information and insights need to support risk-based decision-making.

Risk Events (Incidents)

Capture and manage risk events in real-time, link these to crystallised risks and failed controls or processes and monitor activities for each event to ensure there are no neglected events, and every event is systematically managed to close.

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In a rapidly changing world, it can be hard to keep up with all the new features technology delivers. We simplify this by producing regular feature updates. Contact any of our business development or support team to find out more about how our platform helps you achieve Risk as Alpha.

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