Market Surveillance

Market Surveillance provides insightful analytics and contextual surveillance to help Capital Markets firms identify and manage the potential risks of market abuse, fraud and operational breaches.

Key features

Comprehensive alert library

A comprehensive suite of market abuse alerts complying with all key regulatory requirements including MAR, REMIT, Dodd Frank Act and MAS. The alert library also includes a suite of operational alerts for the detection of unusual trading patterns. Our alerts are based on Central Limit Order Book and Request for Quote trading protocols.

Alert selection and configuration

Compliance teams are provided with unparalleled flexibility to create and customise alerts including using custom group configuration. With an integrated sandbox environment alerts can be calibrated, re-run and promoted to production without technical assistance from KRM22.

Case management and workflow

The integrated case management system provides compliance teams with the ability to assign, track and manage cases. Designed to be the compliance books of records system, Market Surveillance provides a central data repository to store all relevant records including alerts, commentaries and external documents.

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In a rapidly changing world, it can be hard to keep up with all the new features technology delivers. We simplify this by producing regular feature updates. Contact any of our business development or support team to find out more about how our platform helps you achieve Risk as Alpha.

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